Traveling can be stressful and you will be spending alot of your time waiting on lines and sitting down waiting for your flight. Here are you hacks and tips on how to and make your travel on a budget all the more enjoyable – with or without kids. And remember to check out our awesome travel checklist for before you leave the house!
1.Check in for your flight in advance
Check-in online 24 hours in advanced. Most airlines allow you to check-in online within 24 hours ahead of time. This allows you to skip standing in line to check-in at the airport. Most airlines also give you better seats the sooner you check-in.
2. Arrive early to the airport
Try to arrive 1 to 1.5 hours early for domestic flights and 2.5 hours early for international flights. Depending on the time and day of your flight, the lines can be outrageously long. You have to check-in your baggage, go through airport security and find your gate. Each airport is unique and some are much larger than others. Giving yourself enough time to get through the airport is important and less stressful.
3. Drop your checked baggage at the curb
To save time, many airports allow you to check-in your luggage at the entrance. There will be baggage handlers who will check-in your bags and take them to the same place that the handlers inside would. The only difference? You don’t have to stand in a long line with makes life a breeze.
4. Pack an empty water bottle
Bring an empty water bottle with you in your carry-on luggage. Once, you get through security you can fill it up. Most airports have water bottle refill stations or at least a water fountain you can use. This will help you save money instead of buying an overpriced water bottle at the airport.
5. Wear your heaviest outfit to the airport
Sounds silly, but it saves money. Airports have strict weight limits when it comes to checked luggage. The less heavy things you have in your bags, the less you have to worry about going over the weight limit and paying extra. Also, gets cold on the plane so the heavy layers would work out for you.
6. Wear socks
Some airports make you take your shoes off when going through security, especially in the US. To avoid standing barefoot on the dirty airport floor, make sure to wear socks! These will also come in handy for keeping your feet warm on your flight.
7. Use TSA approved locks on your luggage
Make sure to lock up everything when you are traveling. Using locks is against TSA rules, though. If you don’t use locks designed specifically for TSA, there’s a chance your lock will get destroyed because they have to open your bag to check what’s inside.
8. Keep your electronics toward the top of your carry on
When you’re going through airport security, you’ll have to take any electronics out of your bag and put them into a separate bin. If your electronics are buried down in your suitcase, it can hold up the line when you’re standing there for 10 minutes searching for all your things.
9. Start removing items while standing in line for airport security
Get a head start on the line by removing your shoes. Speaking of shoes i suggest wearing easily removable shoes. Also, be sure to remove anything from your pockets, remove jewelry and take off your belt. These are all things that will set the alarm off when going through airport security. Save yourself some time and get the line moving faster for everyone else.
TIP: There are plenty of items that aren’t allowed in your luggage, both checked bags and carry ons. One of the most common things is that you can’t have any liquids in your carry on if the amount is over 3.4oz.
10. Print your boarding pass
Having a paper copy on hand is always smart. Just in case, the airport is having technology problems and they have trouble scanning phones.
11. Add your boarding pass to your Apple Wallet
Having a copy of your boarding pass on your phone is also smart. Just in case you accidentally lost your paper boarding pass. Having an electronic version will keep that peace of mind knowing that you for sure have your boarding pass.
12. Put a colorful ribbon on your luggage
If you’re checking a luggage, tie a colorful ribbon on the handle of your suitcase to make it stand out so you can find it quickly in the sea of similar luggage on the conveyor belt.
13. Go left on the security line
Studies have shown that people naturally veer right, so when you reach a security checkpoint, head to the line furthest to the left and you just might save a few minutes waiting in line. And also, try to avoid lines with children.
14. Research sleep spots
If you need to spend the night in an airport because your flight was delayed or you have a long layover, check out this website for the best and worst sleeping spots in most airports around the world. Sleeping in the airport is never fun, but you can make it a little more comfortable if you plan in advance and know the best places to go.
15. Invest in Global Entry
If you are a frequent flyer (or even fly just 3-4 times per year) then Global Entry is worth the cost. Global Entry includes TSA Pre-check, which allows you to skip the general security line and go through the faster TSA Pre-check line (where you don’t have to take off your shoes or take your electronics out of your suitcase.)
When traveling internationally, you can also go through to an expedited customs line upon returning to the US. Global Entry costs $100 and is good for five years. If you just want TSA Precheck, you can get that for $85 and it’s good for five years. Some travel credit cards will also cover your Global Entry fee.
16. Use the mobile passport app
The Mobile Passport App is authorized by U.S. Custom and Borders themselves. The app helps speed you through customs at specific airports and cruise ships.
17. Bring your own snacks
If you don’t have access to the free food at the lounges, avoid paying super-steep airport prices for snacks by bringing your own with you!
18. Pack the small, heavy items in your carry on
Your checked luggage is weighed but you’re carry on isn’t. So if you have small and heavy items I suggest putting in it your carry on bag to avoid overweight luggage fees.
19. Have all your information ready for immigration
If you’re traveling to another country, you’re going to need more information than normal. This can include your passport, visa, hotel information, itinerary and more depending on the country you are entering. Check the country’s requirements before heading to the airport so you are prepared.
20. Take a photo of your checked luggage
This helps when trying to claim lost luggage with your travel insurance. Having a photo of it in addition to having a luggage receipt can make it much easier to locate. Also, many credit cards offer lost baggage protection so I suggest you call your credit card company and check out their plans.
21. Take a photo of your parking spot
If you’re leaving your car at the airport, you might forget where it’s at whenever you get back. Having a picture can help jog your memory. Remember, take pictures based on the airports aisle numbers, not based on the cars around it. The cars around it probably will be gone when you get back.
22. Cancelled or overbooked flight
The people on the other end of the airline’s 800 number can do the same thing as the attendants in the airport. Calling the number may get your flight fixed faster than standing in line. Or, you can be smart and call the number WHILE standing in line. That way if the line is faster, you can just hang up and proceed to fix your flight information at the airport.
The quickest, easiest and most effective way to get in touch with an airlines customer service is Twitter. Anytime a flight is delayed, send a tweet and you’ll be surprised to receive a response within 30 minutes or so. They can assist in booking a new flight, giving credit for that flight and more.
23. Include your flight number on your car rental reservation so they can be updated if your flight is delayed or cancelled
If you are reserving a car, you have to give an estimated time of arrival to pick up the car. If your flight is delayed for too long, they might assume you are not coming to pick up the car. Giving them your flight number can help them understand that you’re just running late and not ditching the car.
24. If you don’t like turbulence, book an early morning flight.
Turbulence is due to bad weather and you find most bad weather to happen in the afternoon or night.
25. Don’t be afraid to ask for a free upgrade.
Maybe someone in first class had to cancel their flight and there’s an extra seat. Letting them know that you’re traveling solo or traveling for a special event may help you get that upgrade you want. The worst thing they can say is no. So just ask.
26. Bring a portable charger.
If the flight is long, you might need a charger. Sometimes charging your electronics beforehand isn’t enough. Portable chargers are also great when traveling due to using your phone often for pictures, videos, etc.
27. Download apps/music/podcasts/books before you get on the plane.
Planes don’t have internet, so you want to be sure to have what you need on your phone, tablet or laptop before boarding the plane. Buying internet on a plane is pretty pricy and usually still not get service.
28. Ask lost or found before buying electronics.
It’s not uncommon to get to the airport and realize you forgot a charger or whatever else it is that you need. Most lost and found areas in an airport keep the items for about 90 days. Go to the lost and found and be honest. Tell them you’re looking for something because you forgot it at home. If they have one that’s been there for 90 days or more, they might let you use it or, even better, have it!
29. Look up airport gates.
Knowing where your airport gate is before getting to the airport helps you know how much time you need to give yourself to get there. In larger airports, sometimes gates can be a 15-20 minute walk from the airport security point.
30. Be the last one to board.
This isn’t always an available choice but if you can wait to board, do it! It makes it where you don’t have to stand in line as long and it gives you more of a chance to get upgraded to available seats.